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Describe the difference between an XML Sitemap and a HTML Sitemap. List the benefits and disadvantages of using each.

The Difference between an XML sitemap and an HTML Sitemap is that a XML sitemap is used to help search crawlers navigate your website, while HTML sitemap guide users through your store pages. An XML sitemap targets robots while a HTML sitemap targets humans.

Benefits for HTML sitemap

  • linking opportunities
  • A sitemap is a page that contants multiple internal wesite links that will allow a user to jump from any page that is being stored in the website.
  • Better website navigation
  • regrardless whether you have archived content, a ssitemap could be directory of all qeually accessible.

Benefits for XML sitemap

  • Avoid content duplication issues
  • an XML sitemap will show search engines the date and time the content was published which minimises the chances of duplication greatly.
  • Faster pages indexation XML sitemap is the best way to notify search engines about new or edited content
Evaluate three IDEs (Integrated development environments) and provide a brief summary on the positive and negative aspects of each. Also, in your own words include how it would suit an entry level trainee code developer.

Visual Studio os a 64-bit IDE (Intergrated development environments) is a creative launching pad that allows you to use edit, debug, and build code. Visual Studio aims is the fastest IDE for productivity. Visual allows many forms of coding language like C++, C#, java, pythin and many more making it easier to work big projects. It can be a little

difficult to learn in the beginning but after learning the ropes its pretty simple to learn. Visual Studios Positives.

  • Visual Studios allows automatically importing the files into a folder you have created and selected for importing.
  • It allows almost any coding languages to be used with out switching from other platforms.
  • Visual Studios provides a easier setting that can be navigated and used to help with the creations of code.
  • Visual Studios Negatives
  • The performance of visual studios can be slow at times making it hard to use.
  • If the existing course code do not have a solution created, it is hard to link the folder with VS, we only can see the code, but cannout build it.
  • Visual Studios can be hard to find the right option for what you are working on.

Eclipse is another well known IDEs (Intergrated development environments) for Java developemnt. Although eclipse was meant for java it now supports many other languages like C, C++, python, perl and more. Eclipse is known for being excellent for beginners due to it being around length time.

Eclipse Positive

  • It contains a simpe UI for Development
  • A lot of plugins to use this includes unit testing plugings, code formatter plugins, and more.
  • It contains many fast and intergrates with so many other third party plugins.

Eclipse Negatives.

  • CDT mode for C++ sometimes creates a running problem.
  • Sometimes it feels like Eclipse is clunky and it takes a lot of processing power.
  • Eclipse will crash when using multiple work spaces. It should work on imrpoving its memory management.

Code::Block is a popular because how customizable it is. It is designed to help developers create C, C++ and fortran programs. Code::Block comes with numerous pre-built and proprietary languages. It is great ofr programming languages for begginers because it uses a different format instead of writing lines of codes it uses blocks to represent different instructions to create games and animations.

Code::Block Positive

  • Code::Blocks is a great tool for developing C/C++ programs. It is suited for begginers as it is a lightweight IDE. Syntax highlighing features makes coding easier. The text editor features like font setting can be easily configured as per your personal requirements.
  • It was easy to setup the IDE, and get started. IT has a clean UI and easy interface to.
Provide a brief history on web browser development and the issues encountered by web developers, specifically, the adherence to web standards.

Tim Berners-Lee initially suggested the idea of the World Wide Web in 1989, and he created the first web browser, WorldWideWeb (later called Nexus), in 1990. A simple text-based browser served as it. The first graphical web browser, Mosaic, was published shortly after, in 1993, by Marc Andreessen and his colleagues at the National Centre for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA), popularising the Web. With the "Browser Wars" between Microsoft Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator in the middle of the 1990s, the web browser market entered a highly competitive phase. Due to the introduction of proprietary features and tags by each browser, online pages were rendered inconsistently. To account for the differences across browsers, web developers have to construct various versions of their websites.

Web standards

Tim Berners-Lee established the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) in 1994 to solve problems brought on by the Browser Wars. The W3C set out to create and advance open Web standards. The Document Object Model (DOM) standard was released in 1996, allowing programmatic interaction and manipulation of web page components by web developers.

What are website testing methodologies? Your answer MUST cover browser compatibility, and website functionality.

Website testing is a software practice that ensures the websites functionality and quality as per the requirements. Web testing is needed to identify all udnerlying issues, such as security, intergration issues, and functional inconsistencies.

  • Functionality
  • The purpose of functionality testing is to check if the website is running smoothly with out any issues. Functional testing of the web applications maybe verifying wether all the links on the website and webapges is operating, testing cookies, and reviewing forms on all webpages.
  • Compatibility
  • testing is a critical factor to testing a website applications. This determines the compatibility of a web app operating systems, browsers, mobile browsing, and printing options.
What are the endorsed requirements of accessibility for all NT gpoverntment webpages?

International standards for web accessibility are known as the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 and WCAG 2.1. These recommendations outline ways to improve the accessibility of web material for persons with disabilities, such as those who suffer from visual, auditory, cognitive, or movement impairments. To guarantee that its digital material is accessible to all users, the Australian Government, including the NT Government, has accepted these recommendations.

There are three compliance levels for WCAG 2.0 and WCAG 2.1: A, AA, and AAA. The broad consensus is that Conformance Level AA should be the minimal requirement for government websites to comply with accessibility standards.

All of the NT Government's websites and digital content should comply to WCAG 2.0 or WCAG 2.1 Level AA. To that end, it must be made sure that online material is resilient, operable, perceivable, and comprehensible for all users, including those with impairments.

How do you think its best to organise all the assets used for a specific webpage? Think locally on your computer AND within the root folder of the website.

Regardless of the domain or directory structure of the website, using relative URLs guarantees that the browser can correctly discover and load the files based on the position of the current pages. This sort of asset organisation makes it simpler to discover certain assets during development by allowing for the clear and logical separation of various file types.

Method makes sure that all of your website's assets are arranged in the "assets" folder at the root level. By doing this, you keep your file structure organised and tidy, which makes it simpler to handle your website's assets when you deploy it to a live server. You can create a dependable and stable structure that helps both development and deployment operations by organising materials locally and within the root folder of your website. Additionally, it makes it simpler for other engineers to cooperate successfully and comprehend the file structure of your project.